Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Degrees of Separation

Alright, this blog is going to be quick, but, it is a really cool blog. I am, officially (kinda) two degrees of separation from J.K. Rowling. How is this? Well friends, I will tell you.

Many of you know of my obsession with Twitter. And those of you who don't know of it, I have an obsession with Twitter. Now you know. Twitter is essentially just a website where you put in a statement of 160 words or less (I think that is the amount). It is basically a status update like in Facebook, and that is all you really do. Anyways, in the Twitterverse you can "follow" people. For all you Facebookers out there this basically means you "friend" them, and therefore, they can see your "status update", but they have to follow you as well in order for them to see yours. Also in the Twitterverse you may talk to people, or "comment" on their "tweets". To do this, you type in the @symbol and then their username. For instance, my username is luverbuggbaby (p.s. Kim, do you remember when you created that name for me, in our 10th grade year? Yeah. Still use it. I heart you). So, if someone wanted to say something to me they would say "@luverbuggbaby no, your hair is NOT supposed to go blue when you are trying to dye it black.  You did something wrong."

Alright, now that we all understand Twitter, back to my story. So. I follow Emerson Spartz, who is pretty much the genius that created IF you don't know what is, you will be begrudgingly be forgiven. If you don't know what a Muggle is, then you are no longer my friend. You will find the pink slips firing you in your mailbox tomorrow morning. No, really though, is a huge Harry Potter information site. I have gone to this site since I had dial up internet, so, that will tell you how long I have been going there. It is amazing.

Anyways, I got off track, sorry. Emerson Spartz created mugglenet, and, he also has a Twitter. Well, the other day he "tweeted" (see, aren't you glad you know what that means now?) something about a trending topic that was ridiculous. I responded with "'Ear, 'ear", cause I agreed with him (inside Potter joke. If you get it, you are laughing, if you don't, read the books, then you will laugh. Promise). HE responded BACK to me with something like "'Ear, 'ear indeed". Number one, this totally made my day. Number two, I realized shortly after I got the tweet that this boy HAS MET J.K. ROWLING. Not only met with her, he got TO ASK HER QUESTIONS. How freaking cool is that? Therefore, by my own system, I have decided that I am now only two degrees of separation from J.K. herself. Amazing. You all know someone who is THAT cool. And, by extension, you are all 3 degree's away from J.K. So now we are all cool.

I am also going to talk a little bit about Emerson Spartz. This guy created mugglenet when he was super young, and has met J.K. herself. Anyone like that could easily have a big head on them. Well, this is his twitter bio: "I'm going to use my twitter to remind me to smile at strangers and compliment people". Not only that, but he does "thankful thursdays" I think, (sorry Emerson, if you end up reading this and that is wrong, I apologize), where you tweet about what you are thankful for. Anyways, from what I know, he seems like a really cool guy with a good head on his shoulders. Props to you Emerson Spartz! The world needs more people like you!

That is all for this little blog. I have to get back to studying for the test I have to take at my new job on Friday. Apparently if we fail, we get FIRED. Yeah. I am a little nervous.

Rule of the Day: Just because someone walks around in a black cape like a bat, has greasy hair, and used to be a Death Eater, does NOT mean he is a bad guy. He could be hiding an undying love for your Mother, and therefore, really is trying to save you.

Show and Tell: Since I talked about mugglenet, that is my show and tell for the day. To see Mugglenet, click here.

Alright friends.  Until Tomorrow! Xx. 

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