Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, I just had the most traumatic moment.  I SHOULD be asleep, but I am all wound up for a number of reasons, so I thought to myself "self, you should just blog, even though you don't have anything interesting to say".  So, I came to log in, AND I COULDN'T. I got all stressed! I thought that someone had haxed my account or something. 

Oh no, no no, nothing of that sort.  I simply was just inputting the incorrect username.  I had LITERALLY forgotten the name of my blog.  I, am an idiot. 

On that note, I recently discovered today that I am being blog stalked.  Mind you, I usually LOVE being blog stalked, the more people who read my AWESOME blog, the better.  However, this one, is more amusing than most.  Just remember people, that if you think you are a clever e-stalker, then think again, because I have perfected the art of E-stalking.

Not that I am crazy or anything right? I just have a curious nature....or at least that is what I tell myself. 

On a side note, I got a fake scentsy candle.  It is basically Salt City's version of Scentsy, and my room smells delicious now.  MMmmmm. 


  1. Who is blogstalking you and how did you find out? And why is it more amusing than most?

    Because, if this person is blogstalking you he/she has now read the post about how you know, and now wonders how you know. Oh, now I need to know!

  2. You don't know me, but I blog stalked you today. :) I live in Orem and randomly came across your blog today.. I really like how you write your feelings about your recent break up.. I just recently broke up with a REAL girlfriend.. (Not virtual like yours) And it is really tough. Love takes hostages for sure. I liked that quote.
