Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I don't procrastinate, I justify.

I really don't have much to say, I just felt like I needed to write because I am being a procrastinator.  You see, I have about 15 loads of laundry that I have to finish.  And no, I am not kidding.  I really have about 15 loads of laundry. 

Ok, I was kidding a little.  I really have five loads that I have to do.  My room is entirely disgusting, and if I ever want to find a man who wants to stay with me, then I suppose I should start at a clean room. I have heard it say that there is a direct correlation to men in your life if you have a clean room. 

Or, was it the way to a man's heart is through is stomach? ANYWAYS, the fact remains that I will just always stay single because I will just keep blogging rather than do the mountain of laundry in my room. 

Le Sigh. 

It is ridiculous how boring I am, and yet, you are all still reading.  That is amazing.  I HEART YOU ALL.

1 comment:

  1. It's because we love you that we read...even the boring ones :)
