Saturday, December 18, 2010

Look, I know I don't blog, but I am going to try more!

Alright, I know that I am no good at blogging recently.  Mostly, because I am lazy.  I will admit it.  I know, it's terrible.  However, I am going to pull the "I have three children" card, and say that's why I haven't blogged.  It's no excuse, I know it.  I have time on my hands recently though, and, therefore, I think that I should blog more.  Plus, blogging, similar to working out, makes me happy.  I need to do more things in my life that make me happy.

Since I haven't blogged, for, OH, like a year.  Here is what happened.

I have been in two different theater productions.  They were super awesome and fun.  I would post pictures of them, but I don't want to right now.  Sorry.  I have dated and broken up with two boys.  No, they were not mistakes, they were both good guys, just, not the right guys I suppose. And, they were younger than me, which puts things that we want on two different levels.  I quit my job, and went back to school.  I have been doing American Sign Language for the past semester, and will probably continue it next semester.  Next Fall I will go back to Westminster.  Also, just so you know, I am going back to Westminster because I am an educational elitist.  I need to be perched back up on my white tower, thank you very much.

To make some MONEH, I work at my family's business, which is a bar.  This is kind of funny since I am a terrible drinker, and didn't know the difference between Vodka and Tequila until I started working with my Dad. Not. Even. Kidding.  Mind you, my dad has owned a bar, for, hold on, let me calculate...MOST OF MY LIFE.  However, I was never that girl that stole her Father's liquor and had crazy parties.  I made movies with my friends, and went toilet papering.  That was the extent of my rebellion.  I like the bar business though, the people are funny, and I enjoy it.

As of today, all my children have turned a year older than they used to be.  I now have a 7, 4, and 3 year old.  They are pretty much awesomer than any child ever.  For instance, I went on a date the other night, and my oldest turns to me and says "Mom, if he kisses you, remember to be sexy."  First off, I am not sure where he learned the word "sexy" well enough to put it into a sentence, which makes sense.  Second, I laughed so hard I snorted.  Wrong of me? Perhaps.  You would have laughed too if you had of been there.

For the record, I apparently was sexy.  Just saying.

Alright.  As for now, that catches you, my reader, up on what has been going on in my life.  Cause I know you have been on tenterhooks since last April.  You know, when I blogged last.  I HAVE to blog more now though, because, you see, I GOT A REALLY COOL MAC for Christmas.  A Mac.  It just screams USE ME, USE ME. For real, it's so pretty that I have to give it what it wants. So, blogging will be a part of my life now.

That is all for now, but I will blog more tomorrow. WOOO!


  1. Is it tenterhooks or tenderhooks? Whatever it is, I loved reading it. You are a grand entertainer my dear! I expect more soon. No. I demand it.

  2. I think it's tenterhooks, but I don't know. I will google it now!

  3. According to
    on tenterhooks
    anxiously waiting for news about someone or something She was on tenterhooks until her son called and said he was not hurt.
    Etymology: based on the literal meaning of tenterhook (a hook that holds cloth that is stretched to dry), suggesting that someone's emotions are tightly stretched like a piece of cloth held by tenterhooks

  4. I am so excited for you! You are so lucky to be going back to Westminster. Do you know what you are going to major in? So excited for you.
