Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bar Talk. Part One.

Picture this...a dark setting, hip hop/club music playing, a lit up dance floor, and any kind of drink you can get. Yeah, that's right. Ryley and I went to Club Allure yesterday. Now, I didn't used to like Club Allure (previously Sandy Station). It is not my scene. My scene is a nice piano bar with lots of retro nerds with glasses and suspenders on. My scene is not a dance club with drunk jocks hanging around hitting on equally drunk girls who are scantily clad. That being said, I have become accustomed to the Station. I like dancing, and Ryley can occasionally lure me there for Karaoke night, which I have fun doing.

Since I start a new job on Monday, we decided to go out last night for one last hurrah, as I will be working late most every Friday night from now on. Our "Hurrahs" are not really that neat, as they consist mainly of dancing till we drop, and maybe two drinks. Well, as the night goes on I always think it is funny to listen in to other peoples conversations. Since it is a dance club, you can't really hear other peoples conversations, however, the conversations I heard in ladies room last night took the cake. Here is one:

Random Girl: "Oh. My. God. My bra keeps showing!" (turns to look at other girl whom she does not know) "Sorry".
Other Random Girl: "No your totally fine, I hate it when that happens"
Random Girl: "I know! I mean, like, it can be fine if your bra is showing you know, like, that can be hot, but my bra is white, and I am wearing black, so like, that totally doesn't look good, it just looks trashy."
Other Random Girl: "Yeah I know what you mean, like, I agree, a bra showing can be hot but it has got to match your outfit".
(exit girls)

Ok, I am not very adept at the dating scene. I have never been one of "those" girls that knows how to do my hair, looks amazing in whatever she puts on, etc etc etc. So, I was able to pick up a few tips from this conversation. Apparently, it is NOT trashy if your bra is showing, as long as your bra is the same color as your outfit. In fact, it is hot if that is the case. But, it is totally trashy if your bra is white and does not match your outfit, and it is showing. Don't worry, I wrote it down in my "dating notebook" I keep with me at all times, just for these little gems.

That was the first conversation I heard in the ladies room. The second conversation was actually only part of a conversation, because a chickybean was talking on her cell phone. Quite obviously drunk. Mind you, she was also talking on the cell phone whilst GOING TO THE BATHROOM. A little much I feel, but it was a funny conversation nonetheless:

Chickybean on the cell phone: "So yeah, I said, if you could just PLEASE be a friend and come with me, and see this band with me that I genuinely love, and he WOULDN'T! He F***** wouldn't because they wouldn't let him bring his gun in! And I was like, so you would rather sit outside and clean YOUR GUN than leave the F***** gun in the car, and he said 'they are taking away my constitutional right to carry a weapon and I don't want to give my business to anyone who takes away my constitutional rights'" (chickybean pauses while she listens to whomever she was talking to) "I know right! It is the establishments CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to say who they want to come in, and if they don't want someone to come in with a gun, then it is their right to say that he can't come in! So yeah, I was so mad at him, I mean, why can't he just be a friend. And he left, and I have to go get my stuff from him now because he had my purse and my Jacket."

WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DOES THIS CHICK HANG OUT WITH?! Seriously, what kind of person really, really thinks that in this day and age they are going to be allowed to carry a gun into a dance bar? Do they think a gang fight is going to take place? For. Serious. I was a little bit amazed, and also slightly frightened. See, cute little retro nerds don't try to take guns into piano bars.

Now, other stuff happened at the bar yesterday, but this post is already getting a bit long, and, since I am blogging everyday, y'all will have to come back for the next installment of my night last night. Don't worry, I promise it will be worth it.

So, my rule of the day is this: When picking out undergarments to wear under your club clothes, ensure that they coordinate well with your outfit, so as not to look terribly trashy.

Here is my show n tell of the day: Ok, so I love Twilight, but I think I may love this dude too.

Be careful, it has some swear words in it. And really, I think this video is made funnier just by the accent. Nevertheless, I love Alex whoever he is. Please come marry me. I promise, I am not scary, I only have three kids, that's cool right?